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30 comments | Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google Wave's inception has been slow and generally filled with confusion. It doesn't seem to make much sense and the features it offers aren't really all that revolutionary. Sure, the ability to see people type is cool, but why is it useful.

LifeHacker was able to compile an article for successful uses for Google Wave and the list seems to be limited to companies and business settings.

I have personally been using Google Wave for doing tech support for my company's product - Google Redesigned. A few users have opted to contact me via Google Wave and I must admit, when they do - it's excellent. The hyper-instant messaging of Gwave makes perfect sense in this environment. By the time the user finishes his question, I'm already halfway through answering it. Gwave also allows them to quickly post a screenshot of the issue they're experiencing.

The reason why most people don't see the advantage of Google Wave is because it's still and a closed and limited preview. If all of a sudden GWave were to replace everyone's email, I believe the result would be extraordinary. The main issue is that we can't email with Google Wave yet. We can communicate with non-Gwave adopters, and that this lack of backwards compatibility is what prevents Google Wave from taking off.

We need to get more people to jump on the Gwave bandwagon. That's the only way it's going to make sense, and it makes perfect sense once you're there and using it.

9 comments | Friday, October 12, 2007

Why buy game consoles when you already own a PC? Am I missing something?

Edit: Thanks for all the comments I've received on YouTube. There have been a lot of people who agree with me, and just as many people who think I'm a total idiot.

I guess it's not that simple to convince the console defenders :)

2 comments | Thursday, June 28, 2007

Apple has recently been on the move, but although the technology and innovation that the company has put out has been quite good, they are constantly making assumptions about what their users want. I believe their entire philosophy about what people want and how the product should be delivered has been horribly wrong. And that's not so good.

The MacBook Pro, one of Apple's latest releases, is a 2.4GHz laptop with the capacity for 4GB of RAM. This is unbelievable power from a 17-inch notebook and the technology that's been packed inside the case is quite a remarkable achievement. So why wouldn't I buy it?

1. The Operating System - Leopard sounds great, but it's still a Mac OS, and nobody wants to be running a Mac OS. At least in my opinion, there's no reason to be running it (this is the part where Apple fans begin getting angry with me... but please read on). Gamers don't want it because it can't run all their games (Blizzard has been doing a good job supporting their games for the Mac, but most other gaming companies don't). Developers don't want it because it's loaded with a whole bunch of extra junk and huge aqua icons and all sorts of fancy gadgetry, and it can't run a lot of necessary software. A Mac OS system does not provide a developer anything that a Linux system doesn't already have. And I believe, the average person wouldn't want it either because of all the limitations on what programs it can run, usability, the highly annoying inability to configure the GUI, as well as the fact that all sorts of stuff already comes pre-packaged with it.

The only people I can imagine who might consider the using the Mac OS are designers/artists/photographers, older people and perhaps the average developer who wants a Mac to test stuff on. But still, all that said, the Mac OS doesn't offer anything that a Windows or Linux platform doesn't already have. If anything, it offers less. And why would you ever want to settle for less?

And at one point, I think, Apple realized this. The ability to boot Windows on the new Macs was, in my opinion, the best feature that Apple has ever put on their computers. But what does that say about the Mac OS if Apple feels it needs make this change? The way I see it, the only reason to buy a Macbook Pro is because of its powerful hardware. But if it came with Mac OS only, with no ability to use any other OS - I wouldn't buy it (and I'm a designer/artist that falls under the category of people who might consider it in the first place). I also wouldn't buy it because I can't stand the semi-translucent, dingy, plastic, sissy, toy-like, 1960's casing, but that's really just a personal preference... and I guess I could get one in black... and then strip the casing and make it myself out of some nice aluminum and chunky bolts... sigh... looks like I'm going to have a lot of work on my hands.

Let me be honest now - yes - developers can in fact make use of the fact that Mac OS is built on Unix. And yes - the average person might actually like the fact that a whole bunch of software already comes pre-packaged with the Mac. But I would take "choice" over all those things any day. It's always better to have a selection to choose from. Even if you are that particular person that can make use of all the features the Mac comes with, that still doesn't make the Mac superior. Chances are, you can get a better version of the same PC equivalent, for cheaper and still have more options available to you.

2. The Closed Case - My biggest problem with Apple to date is the fact that they've completely shut themselves off from the rest of the world. They've been getting better at this recently with the switch to Intel chips and the ability to run Windows, but it's still a major factor. If I had to pick one reason why I wouldn't get a Mac, it's because as soon as I do, I lose way too much freedom and ability to improve, upgrade and enhance my system.

This is all part of Apple's continuous philosophy that they know what's right for their users. How could they? Everyone uses their computer for completely different reasons and in completely different ways. Why would a developer need to have a computer with a webcam built-in? Or a whole bunch of photo-album creation software? Why would my grandfather need a computer with GarageBand pre-installed? People should have the ability to select and customize their computer to their specific needs, not choose a package that someone else put together for them. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to pay for all those unnecessary features if I'm not going to use them. If I want a webcam, I'll buy it when I need it. If I want an audio editing program, I'll take a few minutes out of my day and run to the store and choose one that I like. I don't want somebody else to make these decisions for me, unless what they're giving me is the absolute best. And in Apple's case, it's not even close to "the best".

This is not only a problem with Apple's computers, but the iPod, the iPhone and all their other products as well. And, coming from the perspective of a company, I don't see why Apple would do this at all? Isn't it cheaper and faster to put out products that don't have all these features included already? Isn't it easier to just provide this software, hardware, add-ons, etc. as individual products? It allows users to purchase the items they want without the unnecessary garbage (and at a cheaper price too) and it makes life easier for the company because they don't have to pre-load all this junk. This is what all other companies have been doing for years with their PCs. Why does Apple all of a sudden think that they know what's right for users? It doesn't make any sense.

One other great example of this, is the latest release of Safari for Windows. The very first thing I noticed when I opened a website in it was, "Dear lord, what the heck is going on with the fonts?". At first I thought the website itself has some sort of strange thing where it turned all the text into anti-aliased images, but then I realized that it was probably Safari and Apple's obsession with smooth fonts. So, like a lot of others, I went into the settings to turn it off so that I could actually read the text. What do you know... you can't turn it off. This one simple, tiny feature, was enough for me take the browser off my computer and never put it back again. All that Apple had to do was give users a choice to turn it off completely. That's it. In fact, this is already too late. What they should have done in the first place is not have it turned on by default like everyone else, and IF someone in fact wants it on, they can go into their settings and enable it. Not the other way around. Which brings me to...

3. Customization - Now this may be not a big deal to a lot of people (in fact I know that it's not), but it's a huge deal to me and I think it's worth mentioning. I like (in fact, I must) have the ability to fully customize the look of my desktop and computer in general. If I can't have an environment which works for me, it really slows down my ability to work quickly an efficiently. I like my font sizes and icons as small as possible so I can fit more stuff on my screen. I like my menus bright and clear, and if my windows look nice and pretty - I'll be in a happier mood.

For Windows and Linux, there are tons of options - WindowsBlinds, and LiteStep and all sorts of stuff. Surely there are customization options for Mac OS as well (at least, a quick Google search seems to find a few), but they are no where near the same in terms of ability and options. Let's say I want to get rid of the Finder application all together and replace it with my own shell. At the present time, this is impossible and I can't seem to figure out why.

The same applies to Apple's hardware. Up until recently if I wanted to, say, replace my motherboard, the only way to do it is to ship the whole thing to Apple and ask for a replacement. It's impossible to build your own Mac. Why?! Why is Apple so concerned about keeping all their hardware to themselves? Why can't I buy my own case, my own motherboard, my own CPU, my own RAM, choose my own version of Mac OS to install and ... have an Apple PC? Is this not the most logical, and rational approach to building a computer? Or am I simply... an outcast... This is very frustrating since I don't want to buy a whole new computer when we want to upgrade my gear.

For me, if I'm in a gaming phase and I need a better video card, I'll go out and buy the best one out there. If in a few months I find that I'm not having enough RAM to record my music - I'll go and add some. If a couple of months after that my motherboard seems to be behaving strangely, or if I find that it's too small for what I need, I can run to the store and grab a new one. I have complete control over my computer. But if I'm using an Apple PC, each time I want a hardware upgrade or replacement, I basically have to get a whole new computer. It's absurd.

4. The iPhone - This is a great device. I won't deny it, it really is. But I won't buy it. I won't buy it for the following reasons:

1. It's not an unlocked GSM device. Now, some people think it's not Apple's fault (it's the phone companies'), but that's not true. It's Apple's device, and they should stop striking deals with phone companies and just release it as a solo device to let people do with as they please. This is how most other companies handle their products. However, Apple lives in a closed little universe of their own, and surely enough they aren't going to let people run around with a device that can be used anywhere by anyone. To Apple, if everyone could do as they please and if everyone had choices, why... it would be anarchy!

2. It's running yet another Mac OS with no ability to put anything else on it. Why can't I put Linux on it and do with it as I please? Why can't I write my own software for it? What's it to Apple? This is very frustrating.

3. And since I can't put any other OS, I'm stuck with terrible software like Safari and whatever the iPhone uses as its Calendar/Contact manager (some version of iCal I'm assuming). If I want to, say, put Firefox or Sunbird on it - I can't.

4. It's an iPod. This partly ties in to the other points, but it's a major point on its own. We all know that the iPod is surely not the best MP3 in the world (far behind Cowon, Toshiba and even Creative) and we all know that iTunes is quite simply the worst music manager that has ever been created. And if you don't know this, you clearly haven't done a simple Google search for MP3 player comparisons. Again, we have no choice and no selection. We simply have to accept what Apple gives us - or we can choose to not buy the iPhone at all. That's a choice I've made.

5. I'm also a little worried about the touchscreen Qwerty keyboard. I'd probably get used to it pretty quick, and seeing videos on YouTube of people using it quickly and effectively is reassuring, but then again, watching the guy on Apple's iPhone feature tour using one finger to type stuff was quite scary. I'm really interested in seeing how this new double-touch screen technology plays out in the next few years.

And there we have it. So far, Apple hasn't convinced me that their way is the right way. I don't even see this as a Mac vs PC war. I see it as a battle between Apple and the free world. While we are out in the free world we have all the choices in the world. We can do whatever we want, wherever we want and as much as we want. But if we dare venture into the world of Apple, we are immediately locked in Apple's cage where the only thing we can use and buy and touch is Apple's products.

Instead of approaching the IT world with an alternative, "Hey guys, looks what we here at Apple have done. You should try it in comparison with your other stuff, " Apple has decided to approach it like an invasion, "Hey guys, our way is the right way and the only way. 'Make the switch to Apple' and you'll never go back." This is simply unfair and I don't understand why this is happening.

1 comments | Friday, June 22, 2007

Ok, so I'm fed up with people arguing with me about this clearly not knowing anything about the issues. It's time to put this old myth to rest. But before I get started I need to clarify a couple of things. This argument is not about Windows vs. OSX. It's not about Microsoft vs. Apple. This is about PCs vs. Apple (more commonly referred to as 'the Mac'). It's about the computer itself. It's not about the software (although it is partly), or the operating system.

How do people justify their love for the Mac? Well a lot of people seem to enjoy those lovely Apple commercials with the Mac guy and the PC guy ("Hi, I'm a Mac. And I'm a PC"). So I'll use those to prove to you people that PC are clearly superior.

Let's go through the list one by one. First one: "Computer Cart". This one claims that the PC's flaw is the "funky error messages that keep popping up". The Mac's apparently don't have them making it more 'user-friendly'. This is wrong. Error messages are extremely important. If you didn't get them in a situation where something is going wrong with your computer you would have no idea what went wrong and you'd have no way to fix it (because you wouldn't know where the problem originated from). Error messages actually help the user because they tell help you locate the problem so that you can fix it. The Mac's don't have this (or so they claim). Which means if there is a problem with your computer you're gonna have to take it into a repair shop where the Apple-wiz has to go into the system's settings to figure out what the heck is actually wrong. Usually, it's something you could have fixed anyways, but because Apple is so anal about its software, it doesn't want you to know when things to wrong. And yes... they do go wrong.

Next one: "Security". This one is about Vista's new security protection which questions every single action you make. Well clearly this is also wrong. Firstly, I was hoping to avoid the OS vs OS discussions here, but since Apple brings it up - let's do it. Vista's security system (although I hate it personally) doesn't work like that at all. The commercial is clearly an hyperbole, it's an exaggeration. So in the end - it's a lie. That's not how security systems work on a PC. Furthermore, a PC user has a CHOICE over what his security system can be. There are tons of different independent companies that make their own security systems for the PC so you can choose whichever one you like best. On a Mac? Nope. You only get what the Apple provides you and you have no choice or alternatives.

Next one: "Tech Support". In this one the PC gets a camera installed and the Mac is supposedly superior because it comes with one built in. This is so wrong. First reason why this is crap is because you, again, have no choice in the matter. The Mac comes with the camera whether you want it or not. And it comes with their camera, not a camera that you like. So you end up paying for extra gadjets whether you want them or not. Secondly, it's better to keep all your hardware equiptment separate. Let's imagine the camera gets damaged. If you've got a Mac you'd have to take the whole computer in for repair. Not so if you're got a camera which is detached from your computer. I'd much rather be able to deal with my cameras separately from my actual computer. If I want to buy a shitty camera for no money, I can do that. If I want to get one that it super high quality with infra-red and remote controlled, I can do that as well. With a Mac? Sure there are other cameras you can buy, but your choices are limited to what the mighty Apple sells you... No choice at all.

Next one: "Sabotage". This one has nothing to do with the actual computer. It just accuses the PC guy of having to lie to sound better... PC guys don't have to lie. We know we're superior.

Next one: "Surgery". This one is about upgrading to Vista and having to upgrade all individual components. Again... this is a GOOD thing. You can deal with each of your computer's components individually and upgrade them as you see fit. If you need a faster graphics card - you got it. If you want a faster processor, but not more memory - you can do it. With a Mac? You can't. All you get in the prepackaged setup the Apple has determined to be 'best for you'. How do they know what's best for me? Everyone's computer needs are totally different. I personally have 2 personal computers. Because they are designed to do very different tasks. And I need them both equally. Upgrading your computer is a good thing and individual component upgrades is also a good thing. Again, it's about having choice, and I'd never sacrifice choice for anything. That's why I live in Canada and not in Russia. Freedom is more important and Apple is clearly trying to force it's monopoly and it's views on its users. This is a terrible idea and the reason why PCs are clearly superior.

Next one: "Gift Exchange". This one is about the easy of creating photo-albums in iPhoto. Yes, it's a great feature and really easy to use. But is that really Apple's best selling point? It's really not that much harder on the PC. And guess what - CHOICE AGAIN. The iPhoto comes with its separate templates and restrictions and setups. You can do it the Apple way, or not at all. On the PC... you can do whatever you want. Any book, any photo, any printer, any template you want. Choice choice choice. It's really not any harder, but you get more features and more choices.

Next one: "Sales Pitch". In this one, apparently, Macs are superior because their advertisement works... Umm... what? Who cares. That has nothing to do with how good your actual computer is. The truth is over 90% of computers out there are still PCs and they DON'T NEED sales and advertisements to sell. People buy them because they are superior. End of story. If Macs were better they'd have a much bigger chunk of the market. But they don't and no matter what Apple tells you about its market trends - it won't.

Next one: "Meant for work". This has to be Apple's worst ad ever. Apparently the sales pitch here is that PCs are all about work and doing 'stuff' while the Mac's are about their attractiveness and shininess... Well... what does that say about the Mac? It's useless! If I want something shiny and attractive I'll buy a painting off eBay on my PC.

Next one: "Counselor". This ons states that PCs get viruses, they can't do as much out of the box and that Mac's are better at 'creative stuff'. I've been using PCs since I was three and I've only ever gotten a virus once... when I was six years old. If your PC gets a virus it's not because the PC sucks, it's because you don't know how to download and install anti-virus software you pathetic loser. Don't blame the PC. Next, the PC's can't do as much 'out of the box'. Not true. Anything that pre-packaged Apple programs can do, you can download similar FREE programs online on the PC and use them right away. I can't think of a single Apple program which doesn't have a similar PC, free counterprogram. And this idea that Mac's are better at 'creative stuff'... I don't know what 'creative stuff' is, but clearly this isn't true, because most 'creative stuff' on a Mac is done using the same tools as on the PC. And I know creative stuff better than anyone!

Next one: "Better results". This one states that Mac's can make better movies using iMovie than a PC can. What a load of bullshit. This has nothing to do with a Mac OR a PC. This has to do with the user. It's about WHO is making the movie, not what they're using. And in this case, the PC is still superior because we have better software choice for our movie editing. There are way more movie programs from the PC than for the Mac. So because there is more choice, we have a better range of stuff we can do. Sorry Mac. You still lose.

Next one: "Self Pity". This is hilarious. It states that Mac's are superior because they can "also" run Microsoft Word. Firstly, if you're still using Microsoft Word and not OpenOffice.org you are clearly unintelligent. Secondly, this is, again, proof that the PCs are better because the Mac is trying to "catch up" to the PC. So stupid.

Next one: "Accident". Here the Mac is superior because of it's magnetic power cord... Oh Apple... They'll try just about anything to sound good. Who has ever even touched a power cord on their computer? Besides for the first time you plug it in. Seriously, is this really a big selling point for the Mac? Sigh.

Next one: "Trust Mac". Is about how PCs are vulnerable to Spyware. Again, just like the "Counselor". If you get Spyware it's because you're lazy, or stupid and haven't installed one of the literally hundreds of Anti-Spyware programs out there (all of which are free by the way).

Next one: "Out of he Box". Here the Mac is superior because it doesn't have to "download and install drivers", "erase the trial software", have "a lot of manuals to read." Installing drivers... this one is about choice again. You have a choice about which drivers you want and need. (Plus, most PCs come with all the drivers installed already, so this really is a null point). Trial software? Well if you're stupid enough to buy your PC from DELL or Compaq or whatever, you're clearly stupid enough to buy a Mac too. Don't blame the computer for stupid PC packaging companies. And manuals to read? I've never read a single PC manual... ever.

Next one: "Touche". This one is great too because it states that the Mac is superior because it can also run Windows. Choice... that's great. But can you run Linux? Oh no, you can't.. sorry. So that's 2 operating systems for the Mac, and all Operating Systems for the PC. Looks like the PC wins again.

Next one: "Restarting. This one is about the PC always having to restart. Ok, there may be SOME truth to this. However, this isn't really so true about MOST of the cases in PC use. I mean if your computer is constantly rebooting, you've got some serious hardware failure you need to check out. Then again, I know people who restart their computer every few minutes because they think that's the "only" way to fix their problem, when really their problem is something clearly much less complicated. They just don't know how to use their computer. And another point... whenever I use a Mac I have to restart it more often than I restart my PC. Because if something goes seriously wrong on a Mac you don't get any error messages. So restarting is ACTUALLY the only way to fix the issue.

I'm going to stop there for the moment because I've clearly made my point. Running a PC (preferably with Linux) is clearly superior to using any Mac.

Any more questions?